Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear Sue,

I hope you are fine. Yesterday I finished my exams and I am very happy because I can rest about 3 days. I hope you forgive me because the last letter that I wrote to you was about one month ago!

Dear Sue, I love books alot and I think reading  books is one of the best hobies in the world. In fact, I am very happy that I can write letters to you and you read them and then you answer them. Always one of my wishes was writing a story book. What do you think? Can I be a good writer like you?

I like to be a civil engineer and then be a good writer because in Iran writers are not rich persons and most of them have 2 jobs. your opinion about me is very important because you are a great writer.

your student,


Alireza Taghdarreh said...
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Alireza Taghdarreh said...

Sabber is emerging from a deep family crisis. It arose when he suddenly made up his mind to drop out of school and work to become a writer. This, right 6 months before finishing high school and taking university entry exams, made his family deeply concerned. We talked a lot. My suggestion to him was first to finish high school, take his entry exam and then sit down and decide what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Apparently, Sabber has accepted my suggestion. He is a very brave boy. I think he is 17 or 18 years old. You would be so kind if you told him what it takes to be a good writer.


Sue said...

My dear Sabber, I'm very happy to hear from you. Yes, it has been a long time, but now that you are back, let us continue our discussion. I'm glad your exams are over, and if I can give you any information, that would make me happy.

Writers have trouble making a living in the USA as well. A few very popular writers, or famous people who write their life's biography make a lot of money, but we ordinary writers have a difficult time even getting a publisher!

My daughter is a writer and she makes her living writing for universities: their brochures, emails to students etc. She also writes for two magazines. When she has time she is writing a novel.

To want to be a writer means that you feel you have something to tell the world. A writer's
life can be very difficult, although it might sound interesting. I would suggest you decide what kind of story you would like to write and even make an outline of the plot in order to know if you have something to write. Work at it little by little. I try to write a little every day, and while you do that, go on with your regular life.

Perhaps you could take a course in creative writing. There are a lot of tricks to the trade. For example, "Don't tell us something, show it to us," so that the reader gets a picture. Try not to use overworked words. Use active verbs, not passive verbs.

I was a teacher, and loved every minute of that profession, and did not begin writing until I retired. Teaching is a fine profession and I always felt that I had contributed something to the world by teaching other people. There are many ways to leave your mark on the world which is what I think you want to do.

Writing must come from the heart and be honest and not showy in order to be real to the reader. If you have any questions or want to share any information with me, I will be happy to be a confidant.

Your friend, Sue