This site helps Iranians to improve their English for TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, CAE and CPE. It is also a mirror for you to look at Iran through the eyes of its common people.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Developing skills, page 19
Write a letter of about 80 words to an acquaintance whom you do not know very well asking him to lend you a book you know he possesses. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion.
Use the following ideas to write your Purpose: ask for a loan of book – its title – why you want it – how longyou will keep it – you will take good care of it.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Why some women cross the finishline ahead of men
Let's practice reading:
A: Women who apply for jobs in middle or senior management have a higher success rate then men, according to an employment survey. But of course far fewer of them apply for these positions. The study, by recruitment consultants NB selection, shows that while one in six men who appear on interview shortlists get jobs, the figure rises to one in four for women.
A: Women who apply for jobs in middle or senior management have a higher success rate then men, according to an employment survey. But of course far fewer of them apply for these positions. The study, by recruitment consultants NB selection, shows that while one in six men who appear on interview shortlists get jobs, the figure rises to one in four for women.
B: The study concentrated on applications for management positions in the $45,000 to $ 110,000 salary range and found that women are more successful that men in both the private and public sectors. Dr Elisabeth Marx from London-based NB Selection described the findings as encouraging for women, in that they send a positive message to them to apply for interesting management positions. But she added, ‘We should not lose sight of the fact that significantly fewer women apply for senior positions in comparison with men.’
C: Reasons for higher success rates among women are difficult to isolate. One explanation suggested is that if a woman candidate manages to get on a shortlist, then she has probably already proved herself to be an exceptional candidate. Dr Marx said that when women apply for positions they tend to be better qualified than their male counterparts but are more selective and conservative in their job search. Women tend to research thoroughly before applying for positions or attending interviews. Men, on the other hand, seem to rely on their ability to sell themselves and to convince employers that any shortcomings they have will not prevent them from doing a good job.
D: Managerial and executive progress made by women is confirmed by the annual survey of boards of directors carried out by Korn/Ferry/Carre/Orban international. This year the survey shows a doubling of the number of women serving as non-executive directors compared with the previous year. However, progress remains painfully slow and there were still only 18 posts filled by women out of a total of 354 non-executive positions surveyed. Hilary Sears, a partner with Korn/Ferry, said, ‘Women have raised the level of grades we are employed in but we have still not broken through barriers to the top.’
E: In Europe a recent feature of corporate life in the recession has been the delay ring of management structures. Sears said that this has halted progress for women in as much as de-layering has taken place either where women are working or in layers they aspire to. Sears also noted a positive trend from the recession, which has been the growing number of women who have started up on their own.
F: In business as a whole, there are a number of factors encouraging the prospect of greater equality in the workforce. Demographic trends suggest that the number of women going into employment is steadily increasing. In addition a far greater number of women are now passing through higher education, making them better qualified to move into management positrons.
G: Organizations such as the European Women’s Management Development Network provide a range of opportunities for women to enhance their skills and contacts. Through a series of both pan-European and national workshops and conferences the barriers to women in employment are being broken down. However, Ariane Berthoin Antal, director of the International Institute for organizational change of Archamps in France , said that there is only anecdotal evidence of changes in recruitment patterns. And she said, ‘it’s still so hard for women to even get on to shortlists there are so many hurdles and barriers.’ Antal agreed that there have been some positive sings but said ‘Until there is a belief among employers, until they value the differences, nothing will change.’
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A letter from a new student
Dear Sue,
I am Khashayar Daneshfar. I am 14 years old. I want to study phyisics and mathematics in high school. Now, I am learning English with Mr. Taghdarreh. I have been learning English with Mr. Taghdarreh for about 2 weeks, and I have been studying English for about 2 years.
I was (use 'am' here. It goes better with the other verb in the sentence (cannot) convinced that the language schools cannot teach English well, because, their teachers teach different English books on the same level.
We have four people in our family and I have one sister. We live in Tehran near Mr. Taghdarreh.
I go to a football club on even days and on odd days, I come to my English class with Mr. Taghdarreh. I will try to connect my internet but for now, I go to my friend’s house and send my latters to you. I hope I will succeed in learning the English language .
Yours friendly
Khashayar Daneshfar
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Dance
Had to save this before I lost it. So simple, so true.
by Humberto Ak'Abal
translated by Ilan Stavans
All of us dance
on a cent's edge.
The poor—because they are poor—
lose their step,
and fall
and everyone else
falls on top.
by Humberto Ak'Abal
translated by Ilan Stavans
All of us dance
on a cent's edge.
The poor—because they are poor—
lose their step,
and fall
and everyone else
falls on top.
Monday, May 9, 2011
It's So Simple
Gradually it was disclosed to me that the
line separating good
and evil passes not through states,
not between classes, nor between
political parties – but right through
every human heart –
and all human hearts.
--Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1974
Monday, February 21, 2011
No Man Is An Island
No man is an island
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne
John Donne was an English poet who was born in 1531 and this is one of my favorite poems. Rumi could have written the same poem for the thoughts are universal.
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne
John Donne was an English poet who was born in 1531 and this is one of my favorite poems. Rumi could have written the same poem for the thoughts are universal.
Ali's letter to Sue,
Hi Sue,
I am Ali. I am Bahman’s brother. I am 13. I am a Student in the Nabovat Guidance School. I am studying English for 3 years. I go to School by bus. I am the top Student of in my class every year until now.
I am Ali. I am Bahman’s brother. I am 13. I am a Student in the Nabovat Guidance School. I am studying English for 3 years. I go to School by bus. I am the top Student of in my class every year until now.
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Thank you for sending an essay for me. I want to write a report. Please, tell me a subject.
Almost all Iranian music is religious. Iranian poem has a lot of influence in Iranian music.
Almost our poem is religious.
We read 3 essays until now.
One of them is about match and history of flame and another is about zoo conservations programs.
An essay called Architecture-Reaching for the sky.
It is about achievements of Architecture and its styles.
We read some period of Architecture history. A period is about unnecessary decoration.
We want to read 70 essays.
Take care,
Thank you for sending an essay for me. I want to write a report. Please, tell me a subject.
Almost all Iranian music is religious. Iranian poem has a lot of influence in Iranian music.
Almost our poem is religious.
We read 3 essays until now.
One of them is about match and history of flame and another is about zoo conservations programs.
An essay called Architecture-Reaching for the sky.
It is about achievements of Architecture and its styles.
We read some period of Architecture history. A period is about unnecessary decoration.
We want to read 70 essays.
Take care,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Thank you for helping me. I should use your method. I think that I had a successful year. I’m 23 now. Last Friday we recorded Ali’s voice. It could help me very much. I listened to Ali’s voice every night.
Ali tells me that I should write a report now. Please tell me a subject and the principles of writing a report.
The meaning of Dashti is pertaining to a field or a farmland. Usually, Dashti pieces have some sorrows.
I think Egyptians people will start a revolution.
More letters,
Thank you for helping me. I should use your method. I think that I had a successful year. I’m 23 now. Last Friday we recorded Ali’s voice. It could help me very much. I listened to Ali’s voice every night.
Ali tells me that I should write a report now. Please tell me a subject and the principles of writing a report.
The meaning of Dashti is pertaining to a field or a farmland. Usually, Dashti pieces have some sorrows.
I think Egyptians people will start a revolution.
More letters,
Quotes of the Day »
weight by cutting off your arms and
legs, but no doctor would recommend it."
HARRY REID, Senate majority leader, criticizing House Republicans proposed spending cuts, which would slash $100 billion from President Obama's budget; Reid says deep cuts in the Republican plan would take teachers out of the classroom and police off the streets
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Circle the odd one out
At the age of 12, boys become great sculptors. At that age they pick up their chisels and start to sculpt their idols. Later they all break many of the idols they make, but there are people that always remain in that hall of fame or the small “idol house” we all secretly keep in some corner inside our hearts.
For me Robert James Fischer or simply Bobby, as he was called by the whole world, is one of the idols whose place is secure in my heart. Every now and then I clear the dust from his statue. He is still one of the few people who make life sweet for me.
Bobby Fischer was a chess champion, but I continued to worship him long after the dark and bright squares of chess were lost in other things I decided to follow in life. Bobby’s life is a perfect love story. What other reason can be found for a man who single handedly defeated the soviet’s huge chess machine and the colossal propaganda monster that surrounded it. The soviet chess champions were skillful chickens raised in an incubator to serve a totalitarian system. What gave Bobby the edge in his battle against Spassky was that he belonged to a free county.
Today far from his homeland, down inside the dusty earth in Reyk Yavik , Iceland , lies Robert James Fischer, known eternally to the world as Bobby. The dark squares of chess proved to be more faithful to him than the bright ones. I would like to put an essay here from the New York Times written by a man who was also faithful to him. After all, how can the beloved Bobby die without leaving some pains in the hearts of all who loved him even in his own country?
Like Charlie Chaplin, Noam Chomsky and many other odd people like these, Bobby Fischer is part of America that I will always love and for which I will always adore America .
Was It Only a Game?
By DICK CAVETTAmong this year’s worst news, for me, was the death of Bobby Fischer.
Telling a friend this, I got, “Are you out of your bloody mind? He was a Nazi-praising raving lunatic and anti-Semite. Death is too good for him.”
He did, indeed, become all that. But none of it describes the man I knew.
Towering genius, riches, international fame and a far from normal childhood might be too heady a mix for anyone to handle. For him they proved fatal.
I’m still sad about his death. In our three encounters on my late-night show, I became quite fond of him.
Viewing the tapes of those memorable appearances, a licensed professional in the field of psychiatry might see foreshadowings of the savage illness that eventually engulfed him. I didn’t.Some years back, the writer Rene Chun was working on a book about Fischer, and confessed to being unprepared for the maddening — and maddened — thing that the poor man had become.
Getting low on advance money, and having learned that Fischer had been on my show several times, Chun asked if there were any way he could see these “invaluable documents — short of unaffordable fees.” I sent them to him.
He had written me about a still picture he’d found:
Thought you might like to see this photo. When I came across it recently, I was struck by the warmth it transmits to the viewer. Both of you look like you are having a fabulous time. Studying the photo it’s obvious that these two men genuinely like each other. Fischer is clearly comfortable with you.
If you screen Fischer’s Tonight Show appearance, which aired shortly after his ‘72 victory, the enigmatic chess champ comes off well, but doesn’t look nearly as comfortable or spontaneous during the course of 15 minutes as he does here in a single frame. Of course, this is just an isolated image. One would have to see the entire show to make a judgment. But I suspect that the Fischer in your interviews is a Fischer we haven’t seen before. The famous 60 Minutes piece that aired just before the ‘72 match depicts a totally different Fischer — anxious, guarded, serious as hell.…
You were lucky enough to be the only media person that Fischer seemed to be completely at ease with. Taping not one, but several interviews with you speaks volumes about your character and integrity. [I’ll be the judge of that. — D.C.]
Fischer could smell a show biz phony in an instant….
It must seem strange to people too young to remember that there was once a chess champion — of all things — who became arguably the most famous celebrity on earth. And that his long-anticipated match against the reigning Russian champion, Boris Spassky, was broadcast and watched worldwide as if it were the Super Bowl, except that chess drew a much bigger audience.
There was another element that added to the drama. With Fischer the American and Spassky the Russkie, the monumental match was seen as a Cold War battle.
The Russian chess champions considered themselves the undoubted best. Time out of mind the Soviet chess dynasty had reigned supreme, viewing themselves as a rightful symbol of Soviet superiority in all fields.
PBS broadcast the drama in sports fashion, complete with play-by-play commentary by Shelby Lyman, who himself became a household name. People stayed home from work, glued to their sets, and PBS got its highest ratings ever. The country and the world became chess-crazy. And Fischer-crazy. Chess sets, dusty on the shelves, suddenly sold in the millions.
We ordinary mortals can only try to imagine what it might feel like to be both young and so greatly gifted at a complex art. And to be better at it than any other living being, past or present. There are plenty of geniuses and lots of famous people, but few are both. Is anyone really capable of surviving such a double burden?
We assume that geniuses are blessed creatures who don’t have to work hard to achieve their goals. Hard for us, easy for them. But Bobby as a kid — IQ pushing 200 — put in 10 to 15 hours a day of brain power and heavy concentration that would kill an ordinary person. (Or at least me.)
The chess world was already well aware of this kid prodigy. But they were unprepared for him to suddenly go up against the acknowledged top player of the day in the United States Chess Championship. And win — at the age of thirteen. When asked what happened, he said, “I got better.”
What does such dedication to seemingly unreachable goals — until he reached them — do to the rest of you, the over-achiever? Touchingly, when he returned to my show after having disposed of Spassky, triumphant in the eyes of the world, he opined that he might be wise to try developing some of the rest of himself. He had begun to see that a life of nothing but chess was “kind of limited.” (He went to dinner in
Until the advent of Bobby Fischer, my image of a young chess genius was not flattering. I pictured a sort of wizened and unpopular youth, small of frame, reclusive, short, with messy hair, untended acne, thick glasses and shirt sticking out in back. And also perhaps, as the great V. Nabokov wrote in describing somewhat genderless piano prodigies with eye trouble, obscure ailments, “and something vaguely misshapen about their eunuchoid hindquarters.”
Getting Fischer on my show that first time, before the big match, was considered a major catch at the time. If anyone in the audience shared my image of what a chess genius probably looked like, Bobby’s entrance erased it.
Here was no Nabokovian homunculus. There appeared, somewhat disconcerted, a tall and handsome lad with football-player shoulders, impeccably suited, a little awkward of carriage and unsure how to negotiate the unfamiliarity of the set, the bright lights, the wearing of make-up, the band music, the hand-shaking and the thundering ovation — all at the same time. I had hoped to avoid the cliché “gangling,” but Bobby gangled. He sort of lurched into his chair.
Once seated, he was something to behold. Six foot two (tall in those days), athletic in build, perfect in grooming, and with striking features. The face radiated intelligence. You couldn’t confuse him with anyone you’d ever seen.
And there were the eyes.
Cameras fail to convey the effect of his eyes when they were looking at you. A bit of Svengali perhaps, but vulnerable. And only the slightest hint of a sort of theatrical menace, the menace that so disconcerted his opponents.
Looking out over the audience, I could clearly see entranced women gazing at him as if willing to offer their hearts — and perhaps more — to the hunky chess master.
When I asked him about such matters, he said that the awful demands of his life — the global travel; the constant study, sometimes until dawn, followed by play; the punishing five-hour sessions at full concentration, day after day — all this made it “pretty hard to . . . [hesitates] . . . build up a relationship.” He seemed quite surprised with himself, as did friends watching, that he had allowed so revealing a moment. (That old Cavett magic, no doubt.)
One thing he said in that first appearance became famous. At one point I asked him what, in terms of thrills, the chess equivalent might be of, say, hitting a home run. His answer: “I like the moment when I break a man’s ego.” There was a trace of a chill in his laughter.
For me, watching the Fischer shows after all this time contained quite a few surprises. For example, I winced watching the first one when I heard myself use the word “paranoid.” That awful word that in the later, bad years became almost part of Bobby’s name. But back then it passed unnoticed.
On the post-Spassky show it was Bobby himself who uttered the p-word. I re-winced. He claimed that Harold C. Schonberg, then the Times’ music and chess critic, “said I was paranoid.” Somehow the joker in me came up with, “No he didn’t. You’re imagining it.”
Happily he got the joke — a beat before the audience did — and laughed heartily. (People who knew him were in disbelief that he could actually laugh and be funny on the show.)
He didn’t know it, but I had spotted him earlier that day. We were walking to my studio at the same time, but from opposite directions. He towered over passersby who would stop in their tracks and gaze worshipfully. From a distance, you could see the consonants in his name on their lips: B, F. He seemed unaware of them, with his ever-present little transistor radio clapped to his ear like a teenager.
He had come to like soul music, he said.
That night Tony Randall was on, which Bobby enjoyed, and both of us inquired about his reported loutish behavior in
Crazy as it sounds, the paranoia was not all on one side in
Randall had vastly amused the audience when he told a story about a piece of hate mail that came to him not at his own show but, of all places, at the old “Opera Quiz” weekend radio show with its presumably cultured and genteel limited audience. Tony was a sometime panelist. The nasty letter began, “The only thing more disgusting than watching a faggot like you on television is when you go on Dick Cavett’s and having to watch you two faggots sit there together, yakking like two faggots,” etc. The audience was hysterical.
Fischer, having watched this from backstage, came out to a long ovation. Wanting to dispel the myth that he and Spassky were non-speaking enemies, he insisted that despite all the gossipy press to the contrary, he and Boris were truly quite good friends, and went bowling together. “Really buddy-buddy,” he said, adding, “not like you two, of course.” [Booming laughter.])
Tony asked him if he’d like to be on “The Odd Couple.” Bobby’s “maybe” fetched a healthy laugh.
With a little pressing about could he imagine another life for himself, he confessed to having given some thought to becoming an actor. If he had been able to use all that was in him, he might have proved a forerunner of the genius actor, Javier Bardem. Fine actors can use a touch of madness. (Geo. C. Scott, with several touches, comes to mind.) Bobby had acquitted himself stylishly as a guest on “The Bob Hope Show.” Strange to think that at that time Bobby was known to even more people even than his world-famous host. I couldn’t help wondering if Bobby F. knew who Bob H. was until then. “He’s a funny guy,” Bobby allowed.
Our mental health advisers, shrinks and friends advise us to avoid guilt at all costs. But they don’t tell you how. There seems to be an unlimited number of guilts available to us. When someone we know — or are related to — comes apart and deteriorates physically and mentally and commits suicide, don’t most of us think, “Maybe I’d have been the one who could have made the difference; done or said this or that and saved the poor soul?” How much of such thinking is charitable and how much egotistical? For a time I was pained by that thought that I might have been Bobby’s salvation. But then we comfort ourselves, concluding that of course it would have been too late. And then, alas, comes, But would it have been?
I like to think I would have gladly boarded a plane and tracked Bobby down — in whichever of his far-flung refuges around the globe he was holing up in — and tried to be of help. But how would he have, as they say, received me? Would I still be one of the few (some said only) people Bobby ever really liked? Might pathology have erased memory? Would I have been utterly forgotten? Or a Jew bastard, sent to further hurt him? (Bobby’s mother was Jewish, as was his biological father, who left when Bobby was two.)
The thought that he might have been delighted to see me and that I might have brought him even brief pleasure — parted the clouds for him for a while — is hard to think about. Because it means I should have done it. This is going to always haunt me.
Somewhere on the internet I ran across a picture of the later, ailing Bobby. I don’t know where it was and don’t want to see it again.
It’s a color head-shot. It’s not pleasant to see how the magnificent edifice had crumbled. He looks ancient, is balding and that great face that shone with intelligence is all but hidden by a massive growth of white beard. It could be an actor playing King Lear. He is facing the camera but the eyes are cut sharply to one side. They look both suspicious and frightened. Those great Fischer eyes of old have been replaced. They’re not these.
I’m surprised in writing this how much emotion there still is in the subject for me. There’s no story like it: genius kid, precocious, plunged into triumphant victory, money and world fame — no one under 30 should be subjected to fame — then gradual decline into raving lunatic. “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”
You’d think, with all the hells Bobby descended through in his allotted 64 years, that those gods could have spared him the agony of kidney disease — a notoriously painful way to die. A Sioux friend of mine likes to quote, “Count no man lucky until he has had a good death.” If there be such a thing as a place of rest, I hope that Robert James Fischer has found it.
I’ve sat for a while trying to figure out how to close A faint glimmer of a bit of poetry had been swimming elusively in my head, just out of reach. And then it emerged.
It’s from E.E.Cummings’ famous poem about another lionized and legendary figure who, after triumph and glamour, also did not have “a good death”: Buffalo Bill.
With Cummings’ quirky punctuation, it’s a short poem, with no title but referred to by its first three words: “Buffalo Bill’s / defunct.”
Its closing lines somehow seem appropriate here. They are:
he was a handsome man
and what I want to know is
how do you like your blue-eyed boy
Mister Death
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Yes, they are our IELTS reading tests. They are very difficult, but we can read them and answer their questions. There are only one difference between us and students. It is Ali’s help. :)
Every week we read its new words. It has very many words. It is a big war between us and many words. IELTS has listening, writing and speaking tests too. I think the listening tests are easier than reading tests.
They are 3 pieces in the Dashti mode. 2 pieces have some sorrow and a piece that is called Zarde Malije. Zarde Malije (which means yellow sparrow) is very beautiful.
Take care,
Yes, they are our IELTS reading tests. They are very difficult, but we can read them and answer their questions. There are only one difference between us and students. It is Ali’s help. :)
Every week we read its new words. It has very many words. It is a big war between us and many words. IELTS has listening, writing and speaking tests too. I think the listening tests are easier than reading tests.
They are 3 pieces in the Dashti mode. 2 pieces have some sorrow and a piece that is called Zarde Malije. Zarde Malije (which means yellow sparrow) is very beautiful.
Take care,
Monday, January 31, 2011
A letter from Javad
Javad is a 16 year old boy who loves English a lot. He does not have a computer at home and knows not how to type or work with the internet. I decided to help him and type his letter here:
Hello Sue,
I want to ask you about your high schools in your countries. We have a textbook called Persian Literature in our high schools. I want to know if you have such a textbook in your country for your own literature. I have another question: How do Americans feel about Iranians?
Javad is a 16 year old boy who loves English a lot. He does not have a computer at home and knows not how to type or work with the internet. I decided to help him and type his letter here:
Hello Sue,
I want to ask you about your high schools in your countries. We have a textbook called Persian Literature in our high schools. I want to know if you have such a textbook in your country for your own literature. I have another question: How do Americans feel about Iranians?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Yes, I played it. It is not very good. Music is very interesting. When player is tired, he cannot play a good piece. Player should have a free think without any problem. I am mentally preoccupied in these days.
I think that there are many lessons in Walden. I think that one of them is importance of time.
Time was very important for Thoreau. Is it correct?
I think that Thoreau read many oriental books too.
I can feel closeness in Thoreau’s writings and oriental writings.
Take care,
Yes, I played it. It is not very good. Music is very interesting. When player is tired, he cannot play a good piece. Player should have a free think without any problem. I am mentally preoccupied in these days.
I think that there are many lessons in Walden. I think that one of them is importance of time.
Time was very important for Thoreau. Is it correct?
I think that Thoreau read many oriental books too.
I can feel closeness in Thoreau’s writings and oriental writings.
Take care,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
Nice to hear from you again too. Thank you for the information about Masons. We read Walden on last Friday. Ali told us the meaning of its words. We only read them for the first time. I remembered its words after class. It was interesting for me. Walden’s words are very difficult and hard. I can remember the meaning of them, now. One of Walden’s words is very interesting for me. Trill, we have a technique in playing Santur. Its name is trill. A Santur player should play two notes continually briskly. It makes a sound like trill of sparrows.
We read an exam called IELTS. It has 4 parts (reading, speaking, writing and listening). We read a reading test last Friday and it is difficult for me.
Take care,
Nice to hear from you again too. Thank you for the information about Masons. We read Walden on last Friday. Ali told us the meaning of its words. We only read them for the first time. I remembered its words after class. It was interesting for me. Walden’s words are very difficult and hard. I can remember the meaning of them, now. One of Walden’s words is very interesting for me. Trill, we have a technique in playing Santur. Its name is trill. A Santur player should play two notes continually briskly. It makes a sound like trill of sparrows.
We read an exam called IELTS. It has 4 parts (reading, speaking, writing and listening). We read a reading test last Friday and it is difficult for me.
Take care,
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Dear Sue,
I hope you are fine. Yesterday I finished my exams and I am very happy because I can rest about 3 days. I hope you forgive me because the last letter that I wrote to you was about one month ago!
Dear Sue, I love books alot and I think reading books is one of the best hobies in the world. In fact, I am very happy that I can write letters to you and you read them and then you answer them. Always one of my wishes was writing a story book. What do you think? Can I be a good writer like you?
I like to be a civil engineer and then be a good writer because in Iran writers are not rich persons and most of them have 2 jobs. your opinion about me is very important because you are a great writer.
your student,
Dear Sue, I love books alot and I think reading books is one of the best hobies in the world. In fact, I am very happy that I can write letters to you and you read them and then you answer them. Always one of my wishes was writing a story book. What do you think? Can I be a good writer like you?
I like to be a civil engineer and then be a good writer because in Iran writers are not rich persons and most of them have 2 jobs. your opinion about me is very important because you are a great writer.
your student,
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A letter from a new friend
I am Shahram Sharifnia and I am living in Tehran, I am 21 years old.
I am new student of Mr. Taghdareh English class and I want to learn English very fast.
I am student at Shahed University in Tehran and I study hardware computer engineering and I love it very much.
I want to learn English because:
1- I’m interested in English.
2- Most of my major resources and papers are English.
3- I want to further education in America or other English countries.
4- I want to read, write, understand and speak English such as my native language.
I hope Mr. Taghdareh, Mrs. Sue and other friends help me in order to I reach these goals.
Regards, Shahram
I am Shahram Sharifnia and I am living in Tehran, I am 21 years old.
I am new student of Mr. Taghdareh English class and I want to learn English very fast.
I am student at Shahed University in Tehran and I study hardware computer engineering and I love it very much.
I want to learn English because:
1- I’m interested in English.
2- Most of my major resources and papers are English.
3- I want to further education in America or other English countries.
4- I want to read, write, understand and speak English such as my native language.
I hope Mr. Taghdareh, Mrs. Sue and other friends help me in order to I reach these goals.
Regards, Shahram
A letter from Faranak to Sue
Dear Sue,
I missed you a lot, my exams and projects were finished 2 days ago. The exam days usually are hard and busy days so I couldn't do any thing expect studying.
what do you do these days? How were your new year's holidays?
You said to me in the last comment:"I wonder if you would not be happier in a research position regardless of which field you choose."
I think yes, I always love to graduate in a course which I can do research about it's subject. I think, now, I impressed by atmosphere of my friends and my university, if I consult and search more, maybe my idea change about studying Network.
Dear friend, every one likes to study at a university in the U.S. because most of the best universities in the world are there. If I had a situation to study there, undoubtedly I came.
Now, some questions about studying there made my mind busy.
Do you know what conditions are for a foreign students to take a scholarship? Do they give scholarship very hard?
How is a viewpoint of American to a Iranian Muslim?
How is a situation of a Iranian woman with a veil? Dose she live there easily like other women? Dose she have social respect?
My dear friend, these questions don't arise from bad thinking of US, I asked them because I'm not familiar with your country and your culture very well.
When I got acquainted with you, I knew American are very kind and lovely people.
I hope I don't offend you with these questions.
Your friend, Faranak.
I missed you a lot, my exams and projects were finished 2 days ago. The exam days usually are hard and busy days so I couldn't do any thing expect studying.
what do you do these days? How were your new year's holidays?
You said to me in the last comment:"I wonder if you would not be happier in a research position regardless of which field you choose."
I think yes, I always love to graduate in a course which I can do research about it's subject. I think, now, I impressed by atmosphere of my friends and my university, if I consult and search more, maybe my idea change about studying Network.
Dear friend, every one likes to study at a university in the U.S. because most of the best universities in the world are there. If I had a situation to study there, undoubtedly I came.
Now, some questions about studying there made my mind busy.
Do you know what conditions are for a foreign students to take a scholarship? Do they give scholarship very hard?
How is a viewpoint of American to a Iranian Muslim?
How is a situation of a Iranian woman with a veil? Dose she live there easily like other women? Dose she have social respect?
My dear friend, these questions don't arise from bad thinking of US, I asked them because I'm not familiar with your country and your culture very well.
When I got acquainted with you, I knew American are very kind and lovely people.
I hope I don't offend you with these questions.
Your friend, Faranak.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Bahman's letter to Sue,
Dear Sue,
We read one page from Walden’s sounds chapter on last Friday. Walden is a wonderful book. I begin to think when I read Walden’s sentences. It is a big gift from Thoreau.
As for seeing, in many verses of the holy Koran emphasize on seeing. For example:
1. Do they not look at the camels, how they are made?
2. Say: behold all that is in the heavens and earth; but neither signs nor warmers profit those who believe not.
3. See how we explain the signs in diverse ways; that they may understand.
They simulate a sentence:
Read your fate, see what is before you and walk on into futurity.
I have 2 exams next week. I had 4 exams last week. They were good. I’m so tired, because my exams are very intense.
Take care,
We read one page from Walden’s sounds chapter on last Friday. Walden is a wonderful book. I begin to think when I read Walden’s sentences. It is a big gift from Thoreau.
As for seeing, in many verses of the holy Koran emphasize on seeing. For example:
1. Do they not look at the camels, how they are made?
2. Say: behold all that is in the heavens and earth; but neither signs nor warmers profit those who believe not.
3. See how we explain the signs in diverse ways; that they may understand.
They simulate a sentence:
Read your fate, see what is before you and walk on into futurity.
I have 2 exams next week. I had 4 exams last week. They were good. I’m so tired, because my exams are very intense.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tis a Gift to be Simple
Tonight I watched a memorial that perhaps I can someday try to tell you about, but tonight my heart is too full. The incident involves a 9 year old little girl who was shot by an insane gunman along with 24 others, some killed, some wounded. She had just been elected to her school's student council and had gone to hear her US representative speak, and to meet her. This song was sung at her memorial.
Lyrics to "Simple Gifts" was written by Elder Joseph while he was at the Shaker community in Alfred, Maine in 1848. These are the lyrics to his one-verse song:
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.
The Shakers are much like the Dervishes--simple folks who had simple tastes. Above are the words to the song, and below is a video I present in memory of this small girl who was so violently killed.
Ali, I wonder if Thoreau might have known this song, or perhaps Emily sang it. It is their kind of song, don't you think?
PS Yo Yo Ma, one of the world's greatest cello players, is playing the melody in this video.
Lyrics to "Simple Gifts" was written by Elder Joseph while he was at the Shaker community in Alfred, Maine in 1848. These are the lyrics to his one-verse song:
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.
The Shakers are much like the Dervishes--simple folks who had simple tastes. Above are the words to the song, and below is a video I present in memory of this small girl who was so violently killed.
Ali, I wonder if Thoreau might have known this song, or perhaps Emily sang it. It is their kind of song, don't you think?
PS Yo Yo Ma, one of the world's greatest cello players, is playing the melody in this video.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bahman's Writings
Dear Sue,
I didn’t know that your Christmas started in Dec .25. Here, Christians are in minorities groups. Those gifts are not a help. They are for kindness. Maybe, gifts are congratulation for the New Year. Our government has represents of people. I think it is a beautiful work. It shows that Muslims’ love to other peoples have other religions and other ideas.
Take care,
I didn’t know that your Christmas started in Dec .25. Here, Christians are in minorities groups. Those gifts are not a help. They are for kindness. Maybe, gifts are congratulation for the New Year. Our government has represents of people. I think it is a beautiful work. It shows that Muslims’ love to other peoples have other religions and other ideas.
Take care,
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