Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bahman's letter to Sue,

Dear Sue,
Sorry to take a while to answer your letter.
We want to read Walden in our classes and I am very glad for this idea. I printed Walden’s Sounds chapter.
Our first season in our calendar is Farvardin. Muslim’s calendar start from when Mohammad went from Mekke to Madina. It called Hejria (hegira) calendar. We have 2 kinds of calendars that they are solar year and lunar year. In Iran we use solar year. The first month of the solar year is Farvardin and the First month of the lunar year is Muharram. Therefore our new year is in the spring. There are many mans in these photos some of them play drummers some of them to flagellate oneself (with a chain) and some of them have banners.
I had 2 exams last week and I have 3 exams next week. My exams season is about 17 days later and I am very busy.
Take care,

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hi Bahman, I was very interested in your information about the lunar and solar calendars. Am I right when I say that this month is called Dey for you? I was surprised that the calendar goes back to the Zorastrian times. I've become very interested in their customs and religion.

The pictures you sent of the youth in the street were a little hard for me to understand.
Why do some people want to flagellate themselves? Do they think God wants them to do this?

How is your music coming along? Are you still having concerts?

Today is Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas and we are going to my daughter's for a large dinner tonight. She is having steak, wild rice, roasted vegetables, salad and cherry pie. Tomorrow we open gifts and I have to fix a breakfast and a turkey dinner for everyone.
Our Christmas tree is up and everywhere you go there is a festive spirit in the air.

Your post was very good. Here are a few suggestions: "There are many mans (plural of man is men) in these photos. Some of them play drummers,(plural of drum is drums. Drummers are those who play drums.) some of them flagellate oneself (themselves) (with a chain) and some of them have banners.