Sunday, December 5, 2010

Worksheet # l

Hi Group, I would like to see how well you can do on this short quiz. Please fill in the blanks and send it back to me:

Thanks, Sue

Worksheet #1

Earn up to 10 points. One for each correct answer. Fill the blanks with a part of speech for the adjective, noun, adverb, verb, conjunction, article or pronoun in bold print.

1. The__________ young man went to the store.

2. I searched for a____________new computer.

3. Andy knocked on the door but___________nobody answered.

4. I want to go to a university__________in another country.

5. If we finish our work quickly______________we can go to the concert.

6. I’m sure I have met__________ your girlfriends before.

7. I left my shoes under____________the kitchen table.

8. I bought a beautiful________________dress at the bazaar.

9. What did she_____________ask you to do?

10. On Saturdays I work_____________from 9 to 5.


Sue said...

Whoops! The bold font didn't work! Fill the blank with the part of speech of the word before the blank.


Mehdi Doroudian said...

Hi, Sue.

Thanks a lot for this excellent quiz. Most of the times students and the new comers didn't know how to open a talk with you and start sharing ideas. This is an excellent way to take the first steps in becoming friends with each other. I am sitting in class with Mehdi using his computer and his gmail account to write this to you. We found that doing this quiz is an excellent start for our class today. I will open a section on the site for the worksheets that you may wish to send us in future.

Persian is an Indo-European language. It means that we share the same roots and that we have been born from the same mother tongue. This also means that we have exactly the same parts of speech and language structure as you in English.

Mehdi says hello and he will write his own letters to you and the site soon. You'll receive his answer to the quiz in an hour.

Ali and Mehdi

Mehdi Doroudian said...


Thanks for the worksheet. I learned these today and i think these are very useful. Could you please put more worksheets here?


1. article
2. article
3. conjuction
4. noun
5. adverb
6. verb
7. preposition
8. adjective
9. pronoun
10. verb

Faranak said...

Dear Sue,
Thanks a lot for this worksheet. It is useful for us. If you have time, please put more worksheets. We usually find our problems in a quiz.

My answers are:

1. the: article
2. a: article
3. but: conjunction
4. university: noun
5. quickly: adverb
6. met: verb
7. under: proposition
8. beautiful: adjective
9. she: pronoun
10. work: verb

Sue said...

Hi Mehdi and Faranak, I'm so glad you think the worksheets are helpful. I know they help me see what you are having trouble with.

One thing I should have mentioned is in Problem #6: have met is the complete verb. This is called a verb phrase. I will send a worksheet on this later.

Your friend, Sue

bahman said...

Hi, Sue
1. article
2. article
3. conjunction
4. noun
5. adverb
6. verb
7. adverb
8. adjective
9. pronoun
10. verb

Sue said...

Hi Bahman, I caught you on number 7. In this sentence 'under' is a preposition. Prepositions relate one thing to another. In this case, shoes to table. It tells us where the shoes are. Prepositions can relate to time, direction, location etc. It is one of the most difficult parts of speech for a new English learner to understand. If you practice using prepositions, you will get better at it. You might ask Ali to help you with their use.

You earned 9 points. Your friend, Sue