Friday, December 10, 2010

Wild Apples

Dear Sue,
We have started to read your book today. You have very powerful pen. I enjoyed from every sentences of your book. Thank you for sending it to us. I'm sure it is one of the best books which I read and I will read in my life.
Your friend, Faranak.

1 comment:

Sue said...

A very powerful pen!! I love that suggestion. I am very happy to have written Wild Apples and I hope its message comes across loud and clear:
ask every experience you have "What does this say to me? What do I learn from this experience?"

You have a wonderful active and inquiring mind. Never sell yourself short. My father always told me that a person can do anything they want to do, if they want it badly enough.

I think he is right. I would never have thought I could write even one book--and I've written two!!

Your friend, Sue